Global Competitiveness Report

Argentina descendió a la posición Nro. 69 de acuerdo al ranking de competitividad mundial (desde la 54 en el 2005) (ver World Economic Forum – Global Competitiveness Report)

«Argentina drops sharply to 69th position in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) rankings for 2006-07 behind Brazil (66), Mexico (58) and Chile (27). Argentina’s competitiveness ranking has come under pressure as a result of some deterioration in a number of indicators which capture aspects of the institutional environment. The Forum data shows that the business community has serious concerns about the property rights environment, the independence of the judiciary, wastefulness in the use of public resources, the lack of even-handedness in the government’s relations with the private sector, and see public officials as not being sufficiently impartial in their dealings. In addition, the country is burdened with high levels of public sector debt and various market inefficiencies–particularly intense in the labour market–which suggest a deterioration in the quality of the investment climate.»

download_pdf.gif Argentina Press Release

En conclusión, el crecimiento no está necesariamente correlacionado con una mayor competitividad ni mejor distribución del ingreso. Si Argentina quiere incrementar el desarrollo debe mejorar en aspectos claves como:

  • Uso ineficiente de recursos públicos
  • Imparcialidad en el trato con los sectores productivos según el «humor» de los funcionarios
  • Influencia política en el sistema judicial
  • Ineficiencias económicas de mercado